The Wholeness Model of
Dysfunction and Healing
Navigating Today's turbulent waters
Many of the issues we face today stem from a lack of connection with our inner spiritual, physical, relational, and environmental (ecological) reality.
This alienization occurs in not realizing - and in the hidden bias that negates - the reality that we are already born of this holistic integrated fabric of life: spirit, body, and environment. In so doing, we set the stage of not-enough-ness, of feeling unlovable, without meaning, separate from our bodies, each other, the environment, and from the mystery that has created us all. And then this is propagated to others currently and across generations in an ever downward spiral.
Wisdom Sailing offers an approach of resolution by a return to the reality of starting from and always returning to integrated wholeness. Spiritual wholeness. Embodied wholeness. Relational and environmental wholeness. Simultaneously. Not something outside of the fabric of existence - but rather the return to the reality of being enough, being loveable, and existentially belonging and having meaning. And then where the cessation of seeking occurs, and the alchemic fun of partnering with Livingness itself fills our sails in bringing these qualities co-creatively into life.