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Poem: Imagination by Carol Marcy

Updated: May 6, 2023

My heart catches fire

dropping embers into the belly


Roots of imagination spreading,

begin to sing

What will come of it?

I close my eyes focusing inward.

Stars so bright against an inky inner sky

flow like a waterfall of infinite Light

through my being.

I open my wings

testing them against the wind.

Filling with air each feather bares me aloft

beyond the boundaries of skin

beyond the boundaries of Earth

out past the silver of a half full moon

wind swallowed up by utter trance luminous silence

and indescribable glittering beauty.

Gliding fearlessly, softly, quietly

I see familiar bodies of land

surrounded by so much water,

huge sparkling blue oceans.

Rivers spread out in tangles

like elegant extravagant necklaces.

As I think about all of life that shares this home

heart strings fly out

visibly attaching to this vast web of intricate life.

I cannot separate myself

even from the enthralling emotional roller coaster

spawned by those who love and those who hate.

My heart aches fiercely

then grows into quiet love

extending, engulfing all that is.

Now is the time of coming apart,

chasms open up giving view to inner depths

sometimes so dark my skin crawls

or tears stream down my cheeks.

I desperately want to look away

but see threads of light and life everywhere

engaging curiosity and connection.

This Earth, this playground

yearns for redemption

for unending love

transmuting horror into fodder for change

riding the wave of existence.

My heart pulls me down into a forest

filled with towering emerald green mosses,

ancient trees stand in concert with young sprouts

while some so old have fallen

gradually giving their bodies back to Earth

creating rich humus

soil for birthing

soil for feeding

soil giving home to millions of life forms.

Water drips endlessly,

creating notes in a symphony of wet leaves and soft wind.

Birds converse in operatic disconvention.

Mothers murmur softly to their young.

Cycles of life are fulfilled

transformed slowly over time.

I too am transformed in this moment

by imagination turned loose

roaming, moving, dancing

within complex byways of curiosity and love.

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