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Wisdom Sailing Glossary


I.T.N. or ITN


Abbreviation for the Wisdom Sailing School functions of Inspiration,

Transformation, and Navigation.

Primordial Self

Pure Consciousness which is the most authentic self that lives us all.

Wisdom Substantialities

The Inherent qualities of the Fabric of Existence / the Primordial Self

that are holographic in all things.

Wisdom Soul

The Presence of Pure Consciousness as it enters the body.

Wisdom Intent

The deepest intent of the Wisdom Soul for this Lifetime.

Wisdom Self

The embodied energetic and physical Presence and vehicle for living

and creating from the Wisdom Soul.


Consciously being, expressing from, and actualizing the embodied

agency of the Wisdom Soul.

Wisdom Action

Decision making, establishing trajectory, and moving into action from

Wisdom Intent.

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