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Spiritual Coaching for Soul, Body, and Heart
Being the Wisdom in Your Sails

Listening to the Whisper of Your Soul

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Facilitating Personal Transformation through direct Spiritual, Body, and Relational Awareness
 Empowerment through the relational presence of deep listening, reflection, and action.

Wisdom Sailing : A Cosmology, Practice, and Action

Wisdom Sailing is the adventure of being fully engaged with living through life’s inherent firmament to know and create from the depths and wisdoms of soul.


The School offers modalities of deep listening and attuned engagement that help to right the ship of authentic self to live from your deepest intent ~ coherently throughout soul, body, heart, mind, and extending to interactions in relationship, the environment, culture, society, science, and civilization.

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Contemplative Mentor / Mystic / Wisdom Sailor 


Gary Breads 

Heart-centered and deep thinking advocate for the rejuvenation of human well-being.


Mystic, mentor, hospital interfaith chaplain, composer, musician, author, poet, nature and landscape enthusiast.

Questions? Feel free to reach out

Wisdom: deepest and most informed knowing

Sailing: fluent use of all available
wisdoms and resources appropriate to
circumstance and trajectory



To cultivate a global community where our actions consciously unfurl from the presence of our souls, so that we may harvest life’s innate wisdom in creating increasing levels of belonging, fulfillment, well-being, resilience, playfulness, innovation, and peace in ourselves, our communities, cultures, civilization, and environment of Earth.


This is based on the understanding of the fundamental nature of life where consciousness, spirit, body, relationship, environment, wisdom and action all creatively emerge as an intelligent, integrated, inter-relating (continuum) whole.


The Wisdom Sailing School is an experientially centered learning organization established from heart-to-heart enthusiasm for life and humanity, to inspire people who are looking to fulfill their deepest spiritual purpose and meaning here on Earth.


The School’s integrated programs of individual and group consultations, meditations, courses, workshops, and retreats serve to nurture clients through embodied awareness practices called Wisdom Sailing that transform both our sense of embodied presence and also the actions we take in order to skillfully navigate the personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal waters of life from wisdoms that are innate within our being.


In person and virtual 

Wisdom Sailing Adventures

Personalized sessions centered around Inspiration, Transformation, and Navigation (ITN).

Choose from the following:

Individual Sessions

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Inspiration, Transformation, and Navigation in the one on one environment concentrating on self. 

Group Sessions

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Inspiration, Transformation, and Navigation for Self, Other, and the We that form in relationships of two or more.


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I.T.N for Individuals or Groups in the Wisdom Sailing Retreat Center away from the routine.

Personalize your sessions to focus on the following areas

  • Transformation
    Definitions: Deepening the Presence, Agency, and Trajectory of the Renewed and Inspired Self. Globetrotting - Exploring the diversity of Soul, Body, Heart, Mind as it is. The Body Staycation - Coming Home to the Body - journey into the foundedness of your body. The Inner Safari - Being with your inner life just as it is to discover just what is. The Odyssey - Exploring Self in the context of old and new identities. The OPD - Detail work from the structural perspective of Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostics. The Walkabout - Exploring your own uniqueness and gifts. The Yin Yang - Permission to explore your inner Feminine and Masculine.
  • Inspiration
    Definition: The Renewal of Self and Your Life's Wisdom Intent from the Wisdoms of Soul, Body, Heart, and Mind. Journey to the Soul - Listening to the Whisper of your Soul. The Jaunt - Short inner excursion for returning to pleasure. The Mystery Tour - Exploring the Mysteries / Mysticism of your life. The Open Sail - Sailing for the sake of pure inner discovery. The Pilgrimage - Seeking your Divine Purpose. The Quest / Trek - Finding the Primordial Self. The Recess - Getting out on the playground of imagination. The Sabbatical - Time off simply to have a Wisdom Sailor be present with you without need for conversation nor silence. The Sojourn - Getting a change in perspective. Wandering - Just seeing what’s there / who’s at home.
  • Navigation
    Definition: Navigating the State of your inner world and the Action of your outer relational World from the Transformed Self. Interval Training - Diving in to body sensations, emotions, or desire to increase your tolerance for experience. On My Mind - Bring whatever is on your mind into presencing. Riding The Waves - Getting help being present to intense shifts / emotions as they arise. The Dance - Explore you inner experiences of your partner / potential mate. The Decision Cloverleaf - Decision time – getting help to choose to take a turn. The Expedition - Bring a cause or purpose to explore from Presence. The Improv - Putting 2 and 2 together in new ways for something not yet known. The Musician - Fortifying Presence in Performance (helps to be in person, use of one of what has been described as a hidden top 5 piano studios in the DC area) The Rite of Passage - Living in the balance of Inside Out – Coming out as your Authentic Self. Wisdom Action - Bringing your Wisdom Intent into Action.
  • Outcomes
    To understand the plumb line of your deepest intent, to build your soul’s physically embodied presence, and navigate life from innate spiritual, physical, and ecological wisdom, the living agency arises to skillfully sail the personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal waters of a deeply authentic and meaningful life on Earth.
  • Coaching and Mentoring
    Choose from either one-on-one or group sessions and experience the Wisdom Sailing cosmology through -Deep listening and engaged conversation. -Explicit & implicit body/memory awarenessing. -Meditative awareness and movement. -Informed music improvisation. -Special modalities including Shared Presencing and Wisdom Intent.
  • Glossary

Looking for a great place to start? Check out these videos

Click below to watch our video courses or scroll below for more exciting content! 

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Content that provides inspiration 

Healthy, giving and nurturing. Choose from journal entries, blogs, meditations and more.

May the winds of wisdom be always in your sails.

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