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What is Wisdom Sailing?

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Wisdom Sailing is the sacred practice of listening to the whisper of your soul and nurturing that whisper into the winds of wisdom in your sails.



It is entering the transformative alchemy of your own hero’s-journey and mystic’s path - while having supportive sacred presence to be met at the deepest levels of your spiritual origins, and at the deepest origins of anything within that keeps you from that path.



It is an adventure to fully become engaged with life and its existential functions to know itself, to reveal itself, to evolve, to share, to create, and to integrate into higher levels of consciousness. It is the daring to fully take up life’s offer to be a conscious and balanced partner in the creation of physical reality on Earth.



To understand the plumb line of your deepest intent, to build your soul’s physically embodied presence, and navigate life from innate spiritual, physical, and ecological wisdom, the living agency arises to skillfully sail the personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal waters of a deeply authentic and meaningful life on Earth.



A journey that is multifaceted, ongoing, non-sequential, unique to you, and honoring your place within the whole, it honors your one-of-a-kind beingness, generational /ancestral ground, personal history, needs, and desires. Starting entirely as you are, exactly where you are, and wholly in your circumstance – whatever that is. As Lao-tzu said in the Tao Te Ching: the journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet. In the waters where you are.

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Fundamental Wisdom Sailing Principles

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The universe is an infinitely conscious, intelligent, creative, living, evolving, eternal mystery from which, as which, and within which all people and physical things uniquely arise and return.

The universe is an infinitely conscious, intelligent, creative, living, evolving, eternal...

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Our Fundamental Operating Principles

The actions we strive to enact in mutual support for ourselves, and that we also model for and invite our clients into as part of building a healthy community that supports the vision of inspiration, transformation, and navigation of personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal waters from wisdom.



  • Listen to, honor, and nurture the whisper of our soul and of the souls of others



  • Be deeply grounded within ourselves, that all our experiences, whatever they are, have a place to land within.



  • Be mindful of creating, participating, and being grounded globally while remaining grounded and engaged in the context and action of the moment



  • Resolve issues holistically at their origins, so that we can renew, create, and be resilient coherently within all of who we are.



  • Be mindful and open-hearted in honoring the uniqueness, idiosyncrasies, and sovereignty of our selves, of each other, including the functioning of our minds, bodies, and souls without giving up our sovereignty in situations of love or adversity.



  • Be aware and wary of circumstance and of people who are not willing to be founded in their hearts – for they are likely the ones who may abuse others in order to make up for the feeling of lack within themselves.



  • Be aware and offer remedy for unconscious bias, any trauma, and anything not integrated within ourselves, our relationships, cultures, and communities, for that is a major source of ongoing dysfunction and pain.



  • Understand that we are built from the biosphere of the Earth and Sun, and be in mutually beneficial relationship with the Environment.

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Our Fundamental Operating Principles - Corollaries

  •  Be clear in the awareness of everything exactly as it is without resistance, for this is the starting place of wisdom, sovereignty, agency, and creativity.



  • Be in the awareness of Life’s desire for well-being in ourselves and in others, and begin and nurture all relationships from this awareness.



  • Do not put ourselves or others in harm on any level – do not give nor take abuse in any of our relationships.



  • Be understanding and compassionate of human fallibilities, and offer - and allow ourselves treceive - compassionate remedy for any breach of integrity within ourselves and within our relationships.



  • Honor the ebb and flow of our bodies, getting the rest, nurturance, and recreation that we need to remain in our highest resource and well-being, for our own lives, for those we love, for our communities, and for our participation in the broader collective.



  • Understand and develop psychological structural skills starting with the practice of being self reflective – honestly, clearly, and without judgement (see appendix for other named structural skills)



  • Honor that life is always learning, evolving, integrating, and never the same


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Wisdom Sailing is a cosmology of spirit and body based personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal wholeness that has emanated from inspirations in prayerful meditations. It has its basis in a lifetime of mystical experiences as well as in embodied meditative awareness practices that have arisen through following my deepest desires to know God, and to live and create from a direct knowing and connection with the ineffable in myself, in others, and in nature.



Practical application developed through study, observation, and practice. First in creating and leading technical IT and Finance business teams from intellect and heart, also in working my own and in studying psychotherapy, and more recently in caring for patients spiritually as a hospital chaplain. 



A common theme that I have observed is that most people, while living in very practical ways, also have a desire to know and/or already have a direct sense of knowing something greater than themselves. And from within which they feel an experience of love, belonging, and perhaps awe. People call these experiences by many names, and find them ignited in many ways. Some say in silence. Others, in prayer. Their faith. A place of worship. Relationship. Nature. Music. Holding a newborn. In awareness practices themselves. Indeed, in as many ways as there are people and experiences to have.



In this sense, this approach to wholeness is not theory, nor an externally imposed framework. It is rather an empirically derived distillation of fundamentals, practices, and of facilitation approaches that can help to guide life, relationships, and careers. It is an experience of direct partnership with spirit, body, others, and the physical world that opens ourselves not only to our own body and mystical senses, but also to deep understandings that allow us to hone the application of science for beneficial means. 



The more I discern toward subtle awareness, the more I understand the consciousness of each of us is sacred Presence itself, and that this Presence is the vessel, energy, and agency with which to engage and sail - in body, in relationship, and in the world. As such, it is also living and shared, and can be called by the verb of “Presencing”. In such Presencing, heart, mind, and soul all soar in shared freedom, meaning, and belonging. And which living I call Wisdom Sailing.

Wisdom sailing School


Virtual & In Person Open Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday : 10AM-4PM ET

Friday, Saturday : 10AM-2PM ET

Closed: Wed / Sun


Other Appointment Hours by Request

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