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Somatic Coaching for Soul, Body, and Heart
Being the Wisdom in Your Sails

Listening to the Whisper of Your Soul

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Facilitating Personal Transformation through direct Spiritual, Body, and Relational Awareness
 Empowerment through the relational presence of deep listening, reflection, and action.

Wisdom Sailing : A Cosmology, Practice, and Action

Wisdom Sailing is the adventure of being fully engaged with living through life’s inherent firmament to know and create from the depths and wisdoms of soul.


The School offers modalities of deep listening and attuned engagement that help to right the ship of authentic self to live from your deepest intent ~ coherently throughout soul, body, heart, mind, and extending to interactions in relationship, the environment, culture, society, science, and civilization.

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Contemplative Mentor / Mystic / Wisdom Sailor 


Gary Breads 

Heart-centered and deep thinking advocate for the rejuvenation of human well-being.


Mystic, mentor, hospital interfaith chaplain, composer, musician, author, poet, nature and landscape enthusiast.

Questions? Feel free to reach out

Wisdom: deepest and most informed knowing

Sailing: fluent use of all available
wisdoms and resources appropriate to
circumstance and trajectory



To cultivate a global community where our actions consciously unfurl from the presence of our souls, so that we may harvest life’s innate wisdom in creating increasing levels of belonging, fulfillment, well-being, resilience, playfulness, innovation, and peace in ourselves, our communities, cultures, civilization, and environment of Earth.


This is based on the understanding of the fundamental nature of life where consciousness, spirit, body, relationship, environment, wisdom and action all creatively emerge as an intelligent, integrated, inter-relating (continuum) whole.


The Wisdom Sailing School is an experientially centered learning organization established from heart-to-heart enthusiasm for life and humanity, to inspire people who are looking to fulfill their deepest spiritual purpose and meaning here on Earth.


The School’s integrated programs of individual and group consultations, meditations, courses, workshops, and retreats serve to nurture clients through embodied awareness practices called Wisdom Sailing that transform both our sense of embodied presence and also the actions we take in order to skillfully navigate the personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal waters of life from wisdoms that are innate within our being.


Awaken your spirit : Learn more about our services with these videos 

In person and virtual 

Wisdom Sailing Adventures

Personalized sessions centered around Inspiration, Transformation, and Navigation (ITN)

for living from renewed resilliance & authenticity. 

Individual Sessions

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Seeking to improve

Through the following

  • Lack of Purpose or Meaning

  • Relationship Issues

  • Spiritual Crisis or Confusion

  • Difficulty finding balance

  • Emotional Trauma

  • Safety In Deep Listening & Presence

  • Making Freinds With The Unknown

  • Restorative Meditation​

  • Discovering Spiritual insights

  • Exploring Emotional Intelligence


Our Sessions Provide A Safe Place To Discover

  • Awareness

  • Meaning

  • Resilience 

  • Creativity 

  • Belonging

  • Authenticity

  • Inner Truth

  • Joy

  • Resolution

  • Informed Action

View All Sessions

Personalize your sessions to focus on the following areas

May the winds of wisdom be always in your sails ~

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Wisdom sailing School


Virtual & In Person Open Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday : 10AM-4PM ET

Friday, Saturday : 10AM-2PM ET

Closed: Wed / Sun

Other Appointment Hours by Request

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Website by Growhouse Marketing Agency 

© 2023 Wisdom Sailing School 

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